Because you can, I guess? Ah, the follies of humankind. Being both an old man and a rotten spoilsport, I’m just not entirely sure why you’d want to play Doom this way. Vaguely, if I squint and the game isn’t moving too fast.

He’s promised to release a guide on how to make your own Notepad games to follow the idea through, although he does clarify that DOOMpad contains the worst code he’s ever written. Samperson warns that Windows recognises the game as the Ulthar malware, for one. There are some teething troubles with DOOMpad. “Which is disappointing, but a fun magic trick doesn't get less special when you know how it works - it gets more approachable!” “I'm removing all of it and releasing a version with DOOM popped out to another window, visible, behind Notepad, and mirrored in Notepad,” he continued. “Specifically, certain input keys would get dropped through Notepad. “The trickery I was doing ended up straight up not working reliably on other people's machines,” Samperson said on the itch page for the game.

Samperson was a bit taken aback at interest in his video of DOOMpad, which was “a quick joke” he made for himself. Watch on YouTube Notepad is ten years older than Doom.